Michael Hart
The Man –
Husband & Father
Michael was born September 10, 1978, the oldest of five children. He spent his childhood in many homes throughout Los Angeles County, because for much of his childhood he was a ward of the state also known as a “foster child”. In the midst of his many transitions, through hard trials, despite his personal knowledge, God was keeping him.
Michael met and married his wife, Akilah in December 1994. He was sixteen at the time. He started life so early and there were many things he was not prepared for because he lacked steady parental figures in his life. But let me reiterate, God was keeping him.
In 1995 his first daughter was born. Nancy was an awesome blessing to both of her parents. In 1999 Michael was awarded custody of his 3 younger siblings; DeAnna, Antonyo, and Ryesha, who were in foster care as well. For 10 years he raised loved and taught them just as much as his own daughter. In 2009 Michael’s family was reconciled. His mother who had many struggles in the past was now ready to move forward in life. And although Michael was a grown man for many years his relationship with his mother was restored and his brother and sisters were reunited with her. In 2004 Michael was blessed with his second daughter Kaiyah, and his third daughter Rosaleyn in 2009.
Michael has been and is presently happily married to his high school sweetheart Akilah for 19 years. May God continue to bless and keep him.
The Man
The Music
The Ministry
The Music – Recording Artist

In 2002 Michael and his wife started an independent recording label named “Spirit Filled Records” as a result of his love for music and the vocal gifting that God gave to him. Michael debuted as the premier artist.
“R&P stands for Rhythm & Praise. Michael doesn’t have any blues for you. This is a ballad artist who is talented in many other areas including the engineering and production of all SFR Artists. This writer/musician/singer combines a love for R&B with contemporary gospel to create R&P. He has a style that anyone can relate to, even you. All I have to say is expect the unexpected, and you’ll be pleased that you did.
Michael was brought up in the church and loved to go… you guessed it… to hear the choir sing. But it was not until his early adult life that Michael realized his true love for the gospel. As a young man, Mike embraced many types of music but once he came to know the Lord for himself he made a life-changing decision. Music had always played a pivotal role in his journey and now it is his heart’s desire to let the world know how good God is through Ministry.
But this is not the end of the story Michael Hart, now Pastor Hart still continues his ministry in music just in a different capacity. As the shepherd of Spirit Filled Family Church, his music not only reaches souls around the world but he inspires others to grow in their spiritual gifting’s, whether singing or teaching… God has anointed him.
The Ministry – Founding Pastor
Michael Hart is the Senior & Founding Pastor of Spirit Filled Family Church. Spirit Filled Family Church was founded in 2005. The first service was held on July 6, 2005 at the home of Apostle and First Lady Hart in the city of Rialto. There were seven people in attendance: Apostle Hart, First Lady Akilah Hart and their five children at the time, Nancy, Kaiyah, DeAnna, Antonyo, & Ryesha. The following Sunday there were six others in attendance. Within a month there were more than 25 members.
By Spirit Filled Family Church’s first anniversary in June there were nearly 100 members! In September of 2006 the services were moved from the Pastors home to the Senior Center in Rialto. For about a year we met there before moving to a more accommodating facility in the city of Colton. In 2008 Spirit Filled Family moved from the city of Colton to the High Desert. God has blessed us in this. Come out and Fellowship with your Spirit Filled Family… we are expecting God to do great things!
Pastor Hart started out as many other pastors, as an average youth growing up in the streets of Los Angeles. Like many youth in the L.A. he became a part of the system by the age of 10. He bounced between foster homes and relatives homes until he found himself homeless at age 15. Also in foster care were his two little sisters and little brother. None of them had known the meaning of “Family.”
Pastor Hart received Jesus in 1994 at Carver 4 Square Church (Compton, CA – Pastor H. Doby). There he served as a deacon and youth minister. In 1999 Pastor Hart and his wife began to serve at Walk With Jesus Cathedral (Colton, CA – Apostle I. Hailu). He served as a deacon ,musician, and minister. In 2002 Pastor Hart and his wife served at Bethlehem Temple Community Church in (Rialto, CA – Bishop M. Garrett), where he served as Minister of Music and established “Friday Night Live” a successful gospel variety event. In 2004 he was involved in establishing The Way World Outreach located in (San Bernardino, CA“ Pastor M. Garcia) where he served as an associate pastor. In 2005 God released him to start Spirit Filled Family Church currently located in Hesperia, Ca. We serve over 500 people per week not only through worship services but through community programs. Come out and Fellowship with your Spirit Filled Family… we are expecting God to do great things!
Though Pastor Hart loves music he knows that his first calling in to feed the sheep of God and the music is secondary. The Word of the Lord came through many prophets that this day would come. We thank God for those who hear His voice.